women's day feminist struggle day women's rights equal rights respect coco malou

March 8th is International Women's Day - a good opportunity to tell the women in your life how much you mean to her. But today not only women should be celebrated, but also the still persistent inequalities between the sexes should be made aware of. In most areas, we are still a long way from equality in Germany, for example in a clear matter like salary. If you look beyond our borders, the situation doesn't get any better. Working women are disadvantaged and sometimes exploited all over the world - especially in the fashion industry. We want to change that!
For us, International Women's Day is not about chocolates and roses, but above all about overcoming social injustice and discrimination in order to achieve freedom and equal opportunities. Nevertheless, we want to celebrate what we have already achieved!

That's why we have teamed up with other fair and sustainable entrepreneurs and launched a fundraiser. With every order you place in our shop today, 10% of the proceeds go to the women's rights organization FEMNET .

Fairness and women's rights at Coco Malou

Unfortunately, only four percent of startups in Germany are founded by women alone, i.e. without male co-founders. We think that's a shame, because we ladies can do a lot more than we think we can. Not just our founder, but our entire team in Stuttgart and our seamstresses in Lisbon are all female.
We want to show the world that women and female founders achieve the most when they support each other - and dare!
Together with other courageous female entrepreneurs, we have therefore thought about what we would like for all female founders and, of course, women in the world.
You can see who else is there in today's Insta-Post .

Women's day feminist struggle day women's rights Coco Malou


FEMNET is a women's rights organization that fights against injustice in the fashion industry. With the donations they collect, they help women in production countries such as Bangladesh and India to defend themselves against the violence that prevails on a daily basis. They fight for a fair wage and better working conditions for the seamstresses.

We think organizations like this are incredibly important and are therefore happy - with your help - to support this important work.